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Penrose Tilings and Wang Tilings

Karel Culik II has presented An Aperiodic Set of 13 Wang Tiles.

Consider the 6-dim subspace spanned by {i,j,k,I,J,K}. 
The 3-dim {i,j,k} subspace is the spatial part of 
the 4-dim rational {1,i,j,k} quaternionic spacetime.  
It is the associative 4-dim spacetime of the 
D4-D5-E6 model. 
The 3-dim {I,J,K} subspace is the spatial part of 
the 4-dim irrational Golden {E,I,J,K} quaternionic spacetime.  
It is the coassociative 4-dim internal symmetry space of the 
D4-D5-E6 model. 
The 6-dim {i,j,k,I,J,K} space has 3-dim subspaces 
that can correspond to our 3-dim physical space, 
and we can look at the section of a 6-dim hypercubic lattice 
that is in such 3-dim subspaces.  
One such subspace is the 3-dim space {i,j,k}, 
for which the 3-dim section of the 6-dim hypercubic lattice 
is a 3-dim cubic lattice.  
Another such 3-dim subspace gives 
a 3-dim face-centered-cubic fcc lattice.  
Still another 3-dim subspace gives 
for each 6-dim hypercube 
a rhombic triacontahedron
whose 30 rhombic faces 
each have Golden diagonal ratio PHI:1 
A rhombic triacontahedron is the dual of the icosidodecahedron 
and can be made by truncating the 30 edges of an icosahedron.
a rhombic triacontahedron is intermediate 
between a cube of a cubic lattice 
and a truncated octahedron 
associated with part of an fcc lattice 
just as 
an icosahedron is intermediate 
between an octahedron 
and a cuboctahedron 
with respect to Fuller jitterbug 
or tensegrity transformations. 
Lalvani at NYIT (see Connections, by Kappraff) has shown
a continuous transformation 
based on 3-dim sections of a 6-dim hypercube 
from cube to rhombic triacontahedron to truncated octahedron.
Although rhombic triacontahedra do not fill space, 
just as truncated icosahedra do not fill space, 
3-dim space can be filled by left-handed and right-handed 
fists with Golden rhombus faces:
The tiling of 3-dim space by left and right fists
projects onto 2-dim space to produce an aperiodic Penrose tiling. 
The program QuasiTiler produces Penrose tilings 
by taking 2-dim slices of a 5-dim hypercubic lattice, 
rather than the 2-step process of 6-dim to 3-dim to 2-dim 
described above, but the results are the same.  
Penrose tilings are made up of kites and darts:
There are 7 different kinds of vertex neighborhoods 
of Penrose tilings by kites and darts.
Are they related to the 7 imaginary octonions? 
In their book, Tilings and Patterns, Grunbaum and Shephard 
show that a tiling by Penrose kites and darts can be cut up 
into 8 types of tiles:
These 8 types of tiles have 28 different kinds of edges:
There are 16 vertical edges and 12 horizontal edges.  
Do the 8 types of tiles correspond to the 8-dim vector and half-spinor 
representations of Spin(0,8)? 
Do the 28 edges correspond to the 28-dim adjoint 
representation of Spin(0,8)? 
Do the 16 vertical edges correspond to the 16-dim 
U(4) = Spin(0,6) x U(1) that gives conformal gravity 
by the MacDowell-Mansouri mechanism in the D4-D5-E6 model? 
Do the 12 horizontal edges correspond to the 12-dim 
Standard Model SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) of the D4-D5-E6 model?

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